Unique Approach

Dedicated staff

Your Best Life
KeyCare Minnesota
Opening doors to a better life
Key Care is an organization that provides residential and in-home support for individuals facing health and mental challenges. Our services are designed for individuals who qualify for Community Alternative for Disabled Individuals (CADI), Brain Injury (BI), and Elderly and Alternative Care (EW & AC) waivers.

Live your best life!
At Key Care, we are committed to bringing smiles to the faces of our clients,
making the world a better place for them to live in and easing the worries of daily life.

Integrated Community Supports ( ICS )
Services to adults aged 18 and above, which includes support and training in their own living unit or in the community.

Individualized home supports (IHS)
Services for people who live in their own home or family home that provide support and/or training.
Inquire more about our Services
Why Choose Us
At Key Care, we are committed to bringing smiles to the faces of our clients,
making the world a better place for them to live in and easing the worries of daily life.